

Community Alert: Vehicle Burglaries


This bulletin is prepared to alert residents to a surge in vehicle burglaries occurring in the neighborhoods during hours of darkness. This growing crime trend is not just local, but in all the neighborhoods in the surrounding areas in the greater San Antonio / Bexar County metroplex.

Vehicle burglaries are difficult to address only through increased police patrol and investigative

It is my opinion progress in abating this problem will only occur when the community and police
work together. Vehicle burglaries occurring in our area have one common denominator: UNLOCKED CARS.
Despite fears of broken windows these criminals only break a window if there is a high value object
left in open view.

Vehicle burglaries are one of the highest forms of larceny but they are the easiest to prevent. To
jump start a community effort we ask everyone to LOCK YOUR VEHICLES and remove your valuables,
especially firearms. To prevent vehicle thefts be sure to remove your keys or fob from the vehicle
when not in use.

AHPD has already made arrests through a heightened patrol effort and investigative analysis leading
to the execution of a search warrant where stolen property was recovered. To assist us we are
asking that residents frequently check their video surveillance and doorbell camera recordings. If
there are recordings of persons checking vehicles, please contact us. Colleen Ferruzzi is our
investigative analyst and a collection point for all video recordings and information regarding
vehicle burglaries. She can be contacted by phone at (210) 822-2230 or by email at If sending a video recording, please include information regarding
the date and time of day the recording was made.

Let’s work together to address this problem and prevent Alamo Heights from being labeled “easy
money”. These criminals work in teams and have their own network to share information. As a
community and police effort we should be doing the same.

WARNING: DO NOT confront these individuals. Call 9-1-1 and report what you are seeing from the
protection of your home.

Chief Rick Pruitt
Alamo Heights Police Department


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day – Sat., Oct. 26


On Saturday, October 26th, the Police Department will be accepting expired, unused and unwanted prescription or over the counter drugs, no questions asked. Due to the risk of injury to handlers, uncapped syringes, epi-pens or other injectable devices are not accepted. Stop by Alamo Heights City Hall, 6116 Broadway, East Entrance, during the hours of 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

DEA National Rx Takeback


Community Improvement Projects Wanted


Does your Alamo Heights community group have a project that you want to get off the ground? The City of Alamo Heights is now accepting applications for its 2025 Community Improvement Grant. Up to $50,000 in total funding is available. The application can be found by clicking here or picked up in the lobby of City Hall, 6116 Broadway. Applications for community-focused projects are due no later than November 4th at 5PM. For more information, please contact Phil Laney, Assistant City Manager, at



Amended 2023.2024 Water Quality Report


The 2023.2024 Water Quality Report has been amended to include a TCEQ violation that occurred January 1, 2023 – March 31, 2023.

Mandatory Language for Monitoring and Reporting Violation

Failure to Submit a Disinfectant Level Quarterly Operating Report (DLQOR)


The City of Alamo Heights water system PWS ID 0150039 has violated the monitoring and reporting requirements set by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC), Section 290, Subchapter F. Public water systems are required to properly disinfect water before distribution, maintain acceptable disinfection residuals within the distribution system, monitor the disinfectant residual at various locations throughout the distribution system, and report the results of that monitoring to the TCEQ on a quarterly basis.

Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether or not your drinking water is safe from microbial contamination.

This/These violation(s) occurred in the monitoring period(s) _1/1/2023 – 3/31/2023____________

We are taking the following actions to address this issue:

Submit reports in timely manner.

Please share this information with all people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (i.e., people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

If you have questions regarding this matter, you may contact _Public Works Director Frank Orta_ at 210-882-1506.

Posted/Delivered on:  9/10/2024


Council Vacancy Announcement



The City of Alamo Heights is seeking candidates for a vacant City Councilmember Place 5 position to serve your community.

The position is filling a current position term that will expire May 2, 2026.

A qualified candidate must be at least 18 years of age, a registered voter and a resident of the City of Alamo Heights for at least one year prior to the date of appointment.

Additional information:

  • The Alamo Heights City Council conducts its regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of every month beginning at 5:30 PM.
  • Neither the Mayor nor Councilmember may be employed by the city.
  • Mayor and Councilmembers are elected officials and serve two-year terms.
  • The City of Alamo Heights conducts their elections annually on the 1st Saturday in May.
  • Mayor and Council places 1 and 2 are filled in odd numbered calendar years. Council places 3, 4 and 5 are filled in even numbered calendar years.

Those interested should submit a letter of interest and resume for the City Council vacancy to the City Secretary at 6116 Broadway, San Antonio, TX no later than Wednesday, September 4, 2024 by 5:00 PM.

Interviews will be held in open session during the regular City Council meeting on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 5:30 PM.


Stage 4 Water Restrictions


The City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 4 Water Restrictions based on mandatory pumping restrictions by the Edwards Aquifer Authority, beginning Tuesday, August 27th.  It is also a non-watering week during the week of September 2nd.   

Stage III landscaping irrigation restrictions remain in effect.

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

When stage IV is in effect, the City Council may convene emergency sessions to consider other rules that may be necessary to further restrict groundwater use or to allow special uses, such uses including, but not limited to, the following:

Use necessary for public health or safety.

Notwithstanding any provision of these rules, groundwater may be used when and to the extent it is necessary to prevent danger to public health, safety, or welfare, or to the extent required by state or federal law.

Athletic fields.

  1. An owner or operator of an athletic field who files with the city a groundwater conservation and reuse plan which has been approved by the City Council may apply groundwater to the field in accordance with this section.


2024 Property Tax Rate


Per Texas Property Tax Code, the 2024 tax rate and tax rate calculation worksheet is posted on the municipality’s website.

No-New Revenue Tax Rate           $0.370159

Voter-Approval Tax Rate               $0.472288

Click here to view the notice of the 2024 tax rate.

Click here to view the tax rate calculation worksheet.

A public hearing of the 2024 Ad Valorem Tax Rate is scheduled on Monday, August 26, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at the Alamo Heights City Council Meeting – 6116 Broadway.  You may also participate via Zoom by dialing 1-346-248-7799 Meeting ID 864 1197 2170 Password 450008.




Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Effective Tuesday, July 30th, the City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 3 Water Restrictions.  These are changes mandated by order of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Landscaping Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.  You may water once during the week of July 29th and it is a non-watering week during the week of August 5th.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

Filling new pools is prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Refilling of existing pools is only allowed if the pool has been drained for repairs and at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Newly planted landscape. May qualify for a three‐week variance from the stage III one‐day‐every‐other‐week watering schedule.

All restrictions are still in place:

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

4th of July Parade


Join us on Thursday, July 4th for the 54th Annual 4th of July parade.  The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. and begin at Estes & Patterson and will end at the Cathedral Park.   The event will be held on Tuesday, July 4th.  There will be singing, reading the Americans’ Creed, lemonade and cookies!  See you in your red, white and blue attire.


Stage 4 Water Restrictions


The City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 4 Water Restrictions based on mandatory pumping restrictions by the Edwards Aquifer Authority, beginning Tuesday, June 11th.  It is also a non-watering week during this week – June 10th. 

Stage III landscaping irrigation restrictions remain in effect.

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

When stage IV is in effect, the City Council may convene emergency sessions to consider other rules that may be necessary to further restrict groundwater use or to allow special uses, such uses including, but not limited to, the following:

Use necessary for public health or safety.

Notwithstanding any provision of these rules, groundwater may be used when and to the extent it is necessary to prevent danger to public health, safety, or welfare, or to the extent required by state or federal law.

Athletic fields.

  1. An owner or operator of an athletic field who files with the city a groundwater conservation and reuse plan which has been approved by the City Council may apply groundwater to the field in accordance with this section.


Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Effective Thursday, April 11th, the City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 3 Water Restrictions.  These are changes mandated by order of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Landscaping Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.  You may water once during the week of April 8th and it is a non-watering week during the week of April 15th.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

Filling new pools is prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Refilling of existing pools is only allowed if the pool has been drained for repairs and at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Newly planted landscape. May qualify for a three‐week variance from the stage III one‐day‐every‐other‐week watering schedule.

All restrictions are still in place:

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

Click here to view the water restrictions at different stages.


Tips and Tools to Prevent Egret Nuisances


Protected Egrets Looking for Nesting Sites: Please be advised that migrating birds may be attempting to settle on private property north of the Patterson and Torcido area. Egrets, specifically cattle egrets and snowy egrets, flock in very large numbers once a roosting site is established, typically in tall, dense trees. When they choose a site in a residential area, this can present problems to homeowners and neighbors from the noise, stench, and damage to vegetation, roofs, and sidewalks caused by their droppings. Egrets and other migratory birds are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treat Act. It is illegal to shoot, hunt, capture, kill, or harm migratory birds.

If Egrets Appear at Your Private Property: If scout egrets begin to settle at your private property, it is strongly recommended to deter the birds by legal means before more egrets arrive and establish nests. Once egrets start nesting and producing eggs, they are protected under federal law. Property owners may be able to make loud noises and sounds – by legal means – to encourage the birds to relocate elsewhere. Using tools like air horns, loud bells, and banging pots and pans to produce loud noises, hanging bright streamers in trees, water nozzles, and “scare eye ballons” are common tactics to scare away birds. These activities should be performed as soon as scout birds are seen on one’s property.

For more information, please contact City of Alamo Heights’ Cindy Pruitt, Deputy Police Chief, at 210-832-2217.


AH09 5K Fun Run – April 13, 2024


Join us on Saturday, April 13th as we kickoff the 6th Annual AH09 5K A Great Place to Walk/Run here in the beautiful City of Alamo Heights. This will be a timed course but all participants have the option to run competitively or walk leisurely.

All proceeds from this year’s event will be going to Alamo Heights Animal Care Services who will be at the event with some of their adorable, adoptable pets. Stop by their booth to find out how you can help our Animal Care Officers, Jen and January, continue to save the lives of the stray animals found in our community. You can find all of their adoptable pets, adoption & foster applications, Amazon wish list & other info at

Remember to register early to secure your “swag” which includes a t-shirt, water bottle, and a finisher’s medal!

To help kick-off 2024 Fiesta, the City is also offering the opportunity to purchase our 2024 City of Alamo Heights Fiesta Medal for an additional $5 with your 5K registration. These medals will not be for sale any other time and are usually just available to Alamo Heights residents. One medal per participant.

Event Location (start/finish line): Alamo Heights City Hall Parking Lot – 6116 Broadway 78209 (Race will begin and end at the rear of City Hall)  Click here for the route.

Stretch Zone will be providing warm up exercises before the race and during the event.  Register at

Registration fee:

  • Free – Children ages 5 years and younger
  • $10 – Children ages 6 years old – 12 years old
  • $25 – until midnight March 31st   
  • $30 – until midnight April 12th   
  • Family/Team of 5 or more – $20 person – a $5 discount per person

 No Race Day Entries Accepted.

Swag Bag Pick-Up Information:

Thursday, April 11th, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Friday, April 12th, Noon to 5:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Saturday, April 13th (Race Day) – Packet Pick-up (7:00 a.m.). The race will begin at 8:00 a.m.

Thank you to our co-sponsors:  CryoFit, Natural Grocers, Nekter Juice Bar, NextLevel Urgent Care, RBFCU, Stretch Zone and The Cascaron Store!!


Stage 2 Water Restrictions


Stage 2 Water Restrictions are in effect, Monday, January 29th.  

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems is permitted only once a week between the hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.  and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

A hand-held hose may be used during any day of the week at any time.

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Public Works Department at (210) 882-1518.


Notice of Candidate Filing Period


Applications for Councilmembers Places 3, 4, and 5 on the City of Alamo Heights General Election ballot may be filed during the following time:

(Se da aviso por la presente que las solicitudes para Concejal Lugar Tres, Concejal Lugar Cuatro, y Concejal Lugar Cinco en la boleta de la Elección General de la Ciudad de Alamo Heights se pueden presentar durante el siguiente horario:)

Filing Dates and Times:

(Fechas y Horario para Entregar Presentaciones)

Start Date: January 17, 2024                                               End Date: February 16, 2024

(Fecha Inicio)                                                                       (Fecha Límite)

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

(Horario de la Oficina)

Physical address for requesting and filing applications in person for place on the ballot:

(Dirección a física para solicitar y presentar las solicitudes en persona para un lugar en la boleta )

City of Alamo Heights, Attn: City Secretary, 6116 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209

Address to mail applications for place on the ballot (if filing by mail):

(Dirección a donde enviar las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta (en caso de presentar por correo)

 City of Alamo Heights, Attn: City Secretary, 6116 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209

Email or Fax Number to send an application for place on the ballot:

(Dirección de correo electrónico o número de fax para enviar una solicitud para un lugar en la boleta) or 210-832-2299 (fax)

Click here for additional information and to access that candidate packet.

Hage clic aquí para obtener informatión adicional y acceder al paquete candidato.


New Drought Surcharge Fee – Effective February 1, 2024


New Drought Surcharge Fee – Effective February 1, 2024

On December 11, 2023, Alamo Heights City Council passed Ordinance No. 2217 amending Chapter 19 – Water and Sewers, Article III Conservation of Groundwater to adopt a Drought Surcharge Fee.  A drought surcharge fee will be assessed when the City declares a Critical Drought Stage (Stages 1 to 5) and the customer’s monthly water consumption exceeds the Consumption Threshold for the account type:  Residential, Commercial and Multi-Family, Institutional or Irrigation.  The fee is effective February 1, 2024.

The Drought Surcharge Fee amount for that month’s Critical Drought Stage (Stage 1 to Stage 5) would be charged to every 100 cubic feet of water used above the Consumption Threshold amount.  For instance, if a Residential customer that used 3,000 cf in a month during Stage 3, then they would be charged $1.25 for the additional 500 cf used over the Residential threshold of 2,500 cf (500cf / 100 X $1.25 fee), or $6.25 for the Drought Surcharge Fee.

For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions or contact the City of Alamo Heights at 210-822-3331.


Community Improvement Projects Wanted!


Does your Alamo Heights community group have a project that you want to get off the ground? The City of Alamo Heights is now accepting applications for its 2024 Community Improvement Grant. Up to $50,000 in total funding is available. The application can be found by clicking here or picked up in the lobby of City Hall, 6116 Broadway. Applications for community-focused projects are due no later than January 12, 2024 at 5PM. For more information, please contact Phil Laney, Assistant City Manager, at


Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Effective today, Monday, November 6th, the City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 3 Water Restrictions.  These are changes mandated by order of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Landscaping Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.  You may water once during the week of November 6th and it is a non-watering week during the week of November 13th.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

Filling new pools is prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Refilling of existing pools is only allowed if the pool has been drained for repairs and at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Newly planted landscape sod does not quality for a variance in Stage 3 water restrictions.

All restrictions are still in place:

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

2023 Property Tax Rate


Per Texas Property Tax Code, the 2023 tax rate and tax rate calculation worksheet is posted on the municipality’s website.

No-New Revenue Tax Rate           $0.370980

Voter-Approval Tax Rate               $0.471021

Click here to view the notice of the 2023 tax rate.

Click here to view the tax rate calculation worksheet.

Click here to view the meeting notice of the property tax hearing.  The property tax hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 28th at City of Alamo Heights City Hall located at 6116 Broadway, San Antonio, TX  78209. The council meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.  It is also available via Zoom.  

Zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 814 6823 0145, Passcode:  764684.  You may call 346-248-7799 to access as well.



Stage 4 Water Restrictions


The City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 4 Water Restrictions based on mandatory pumping restrictions by the Edwards Aquifer Authority, beginning Monday, July 24th.  It is also a non-watering week during the week of July 24th. 

Stage III landscaping irrigation restrictions remain in effect.

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

When stage IV is in effect, the City Council may convene emergency sessions to consider other rules that may be necessary to further restrict groundwater use or to allow special uses, such uses including, but not limited to, the following:

Use necessary for public health or safety.

Notwithstanding any provision of these rules, groundwater may be used when and to the extent it is necessary to prevent danger to public health, safety, or welfare, or to the extent required by state or federal law.

Athletic fields.

  1. An owner or operator of an athletic field who files with the city a groundwater conservation and reuse plan which has been approved by the City Council may apply groundwater to the field in accordance with this section.


Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Effective Monday, July 3rd, the City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 3 Water Restrictions.  These are changes mandated by order of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Landscaping Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.  You may water once during the week of July 3rd and it is a non-watering week during the week of July 10th.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time. Filling new pools is prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Refilling of existing pools is only allowed if the pool has been drained for repairs and at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Newly planted sod does not qualify for a variance in stage three restrictions. 

All restrictions are still in place:

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

4th of July Parade – Tuesday, July 4th


Join us on Tuesday, July 4th for the 53rd Annual 4th of July parade.  The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. and begin at Estes & Patterson and will end at the Cathedral Park.   The event will be held on Tuesday, July 4th.  There will be singing, reading the Americans’ Creed, lemonade and cookies!  See you in your red, white and blue attire.


Stage 2 Water Restrictions


Stage 2 Water Restrictions are in effect, Monday, June 5th.  

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems is permitted only once a week between the hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.  and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

A hand-held hose may be used during any day of the week at any time.

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Public Works Department at (210) 882-1518.


Unofficial Results – General Election – Sat., May 6th


Below are the unofficial results for the City of Alamo Heights General Election.  Official results will be canvassed on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. Call 346 248 7799 and enter Meeting ID: 833 5063 5029  Passcode 721431 via Zoom.

Los resultados no oficiales de las Elecciones Generales de la Ciudad de Alamo Heights.  Los resultados oficiales se conocerán el martes 16 de mayo de 2023 a las 9:30 a. m. Llame al 346 248 7799 e ingrese el ID de la reunión: 833 5063 5029 contrasena 721431 por Zoom.


National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend – May 6th & 7th


This year, the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend is taking place on May 6th and 7th.  MD. That’s when a grateful nation will honor 145 fallen fire service heroes—who were not only firefighters, but were family members, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. To show your support in your community, we urge you to help us to “Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters”.

The annual Memorial Weekend is the official national tribute to those firefighters who died in the line of duty during the previous year.  Simply swapping out regular light bulbs for red ones serves as a symbol of support and comfort to the families from across our country whose loved ones are being honored and remembered.

This year, we’ll kick off this multi-night event on May 4th in honor of International Firefighters Day—and will keep lights lit through the evening of May 7, the day of the Memorial Service.

As in years past, we are asking landmarks, buildings, families, and fire departments across the country to be part of this national remembrance.  The City of Alamo Heights City Hall will also display their tribute by switching facility lights to red lighting.  As always, thank you for your continued support.



Alamo Heights Fire Department receives honorable recognition


The Texas Fire Chiefs Association (TFCA) recognized the Alamo Heights Fire Department at the April 10, 2023 Alamo Heights Council Meeting declaring the Fire Department to be the first ever municipality in Bexar County to achieve organizational excellence that focuses on firefighter safety, long-term planning, standard operating guidelines, deployment analysis, risk management, and other administrative functions.  The Alamo Heights Fire Department becomes only the 29th department in the entire state to receive this recognition.  Congratulations to the Alamo Heights Fire Department for always striving for best practices honorably serving the City of Alamo Heights!!


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day – Sat., April 22nd


On Saturday, April 22nd, the Police Department will be accepting expired, unused and unwanted prescription or over the counter drugs, no questions asked. Due to the risk of injury to handlers, syringes, epi-pens or other injectable devices are not accepted. Stop by Alamo Heights City Hall, 6116 Broadway, East Entrance, during the hours of 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

DEA National Rx Takeback


AH09 5K Fun Run – April 15, 2023


Thank you for coming and showing your support!  We appreciate your time to be part of the 5th Annual AH09 5K Fun Run.  There were also pets that were adopted – thank you!

Thank you to Amber w/Camp Gladiator providing the warm-up exercises.  Thank you Sara in the generous donation of fruit provided by Natural Grocers.  Thank you Mitch w/iRun in planning the 5K logistics.  Once again, thank you co-sponsors for being engaged in this dear community.  Please stop by their businesses!

Click here for race results.


Join us on Saturday, April 15th as we kickoff the 5th Annual AH09 5K A Great Place to Walk/Run here in the beautiful City of Alamo Heights. This will be a timed course but all participants have the option to run or walk.

All proceeds from this years event will be going to Alamo Heights Animal Care Services who will be at the event with some of their adorable, adoptable pets. Stop by their booth to find out how you can help our Animal Care Officers, Angie and Jen, continue to save the lives of the stray animals found in our community. You can find all of their adoptable pets, adoption & foster applications, Amazon wish list & other info at

Remember to register early to secure your “swag” which includes a t-shirt and a finisher’s medal!

To help kick-off 2023 Fiesta, the City is also offering the opportunity to purchase our 2023 City of Alamo Heights Fiesta Medal for an additional $5 with your 5K registration. These medals will not be for sale any other time and are usually just available to Alamo Heights residents. One medal per participant.

Event Location (start/finish line): Alamo Heights City Hall Parking Lot – 6116 Broadway 78209. Click here for the route.

Camp Gladiator will begin warm-up exercises at 7:45 a.m. in preparation for the run/walk to begin at 8:00 a.m.  Register at

Registration fee:

  • $25 – until midnight March 31st
  • $30 – until midnight April 14th
  • Family/Team of 5 or more – $20 person – a $5 discount per person

No Race Day Entries Accepted

Swag Bag Pick-Up Information:

Thursday, April 13th, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Friday, April 14th, Noon to 5:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Saturday, April 15th (Race Day) – Packet Pick-up (7:00 a.m.). The race will begin at 8:00 a.m.  

Please support and thank our co-sponsors:



Community Improvement Projects Wanted


The City of Alamo Heights is now accepting applications for its 2023 Community Improvement Grant. Up to $25,000 in total funding is available. A copy of the application can be found here at 2023 City of Alamo Heights Community Grant Application, or picked up at City Hall, 6116 Broadway. Applications for community-focused projects are due no later than March 24, 2023 at 5PM. For more information, please contact Phil Laney, Assistant City Manager, at


City Hall Closed


Due to inclement weather, City Hall will close today at 2pm through tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1st.  Administrative personnel will be working remotely and answering phones.  Emergency response personnel are on duty ready to respond.

There will be no recycle pick-up tomorrow, February 1st.  Recycling will resume normal pick-up schedule Next Wednesday, February 8th.  Solid Waste WILL be picked up on Thursday and Friday per normal schedule; HOWEVER there may be a later start due to icy conditions.


The Argyle Experience


The City of Alamo Heights is celebrating 100 years as an incorporated City. As the City celebrates, one of the many events presents an opportunity to learn about the area’s history. Proper attire is business, no jeans or shorts.

It will be held on Tuesday, October 11th, with open house/tours beginning at 4:30PM – 6PM, program to follow at 6PM – 7:30PM at The Argyle, 934 Patterson.

Iced tea, a glass of champagne, and Hors D’oeuvres will be served while touring The Argyle. Local architects and historians will make presentations. You will need to reserve your spot. This event is also sponsored by Frost Bank. Thank you Frost Bank for being part of this important milestone!

Thank you for your interest in attending the Argyle Experience. Unfortunately, the registration maximum has been met. As we continue to celebrate the City’s centennial, you’re invited to join us at any of the events.


Fire/Police Educational Safety Classes


The City of Alamo Heights is celebrating 100 years as an incorporated City. As the City celebrates, one of the many events will be hosted by the Fire/Police Departments.

It will be held on Thursday, October 6th, beginning at 5PM – 7PM at City Hall, 6116 Broadway.

The Fire Department will present information on Citizen Response to active Shooter training, fire extinguisher use, hands-only CPR, and blood pressure checks. The Police Department will present personal safety at home, work, and public places. You will need to reserve your spot, as there will be hamburgers and buns donated by Cooper’s Meat Market. Cake will be provided by Bird Bakery. This event is also sponsored by Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP. Thank you sponsors for your generosity and being part of this important milestone!

Registrations will be taken via the website, enter the required information below. Registrations will close when the maximum number is met. Thank you for celebrating with us.

Thank you for your interest in attending the resident education classes. Unfortunately, the registration is closed. As we continue to celebrate the City’s centennial, you’re invited to join us at any of the events.


Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Effective Thursday, August 25th, the City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 3 Water Restrictions.  These are changes mandated by order of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Landscaping Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.  You may water once during the week of August 29th and it is a non-watering week during the week of September 5th. 

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

Filling new pools is prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Refilling of existing pools is only allowed if the pool has been drained for repairs and at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Newly planted landscape. May qualify for a three‐week variance from the stage III one‐day‐every‐other‐week watering schedule.

All restrictions are still in place:

1. Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.

2. Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.

3. Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.

4. At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.

5. Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.

6. Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.

7. Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.


Stage 4 Water Restrictions


The City of Alamo Heights has declared Stage 4 Water Restrictions based on mandatory pumping restrictions by the Edwards Aquifer Authority, beginning Monday, August 22nd.  It is also a non-watering week during the week of August 22nd.

Stage III landscaping irrigation restrictions remain in effect.

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

When stage IV is in effect, the City Council may convene emergency sessions to consider other rules that may be necessary to further restrict groundwater use or to allow special uses, such uses including, but not limited to, the following:

Use necessary for public health or safety.

Notwithstanding any provision of these rules, groundwater may be used when and to the extent it is necessary to prevent danger to public health, safety, or welfare, or to the extent required by state or federal law.

Athletic fields.

  1. An owner or operator of an athletic field who files with the city a groundwater conservation and reuse plan which has been approved by the City Council may apply groundwater to the field in accordance with this section.



Centennial 5K Fun Run – Sat., Oct. 1st


Join us on Saturday, October 1st as we celebrate the Centennial 5K Fun Run here in the beautiful City of Alamo Heights. This is one of the first events celebrating the milestone.  This will be a timed course but all participants have the option to run or walk.

Event Location (start/finish line): Alamo Heights City Hall Parking Lot – 6116 Broadway 78209

We apologize, but this Centennial Event has reached its maximum capacity. Please join us for other Centennial Events.   

Registration secures your “swag” which includes a centennial logo t-shirt and a finisher’s medal!

 No Race Day Entries Accepted.

StretchZone will be offering free stretches to runners before and after race.

Additional information is also available at:

Packet Pick-Up Information:

Wednesday, September 28th, 2:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Thursday, September 29th, 2:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Friday, September 30th, Noon to 5:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Saturday, October 1st (Race Day) – Packet Pick-up (7:00 a.m.). The race will begin at 8:00 a.m.

Thank you to our co-sponsors: IBC Bank with the support of Alamo Physical Therapy, Cornforth Gynecology, Nekter Juice Bar and StretchZone!


Centennial Harvest Baskets


The City of Alamo Heights is celebrating 100 years as an incorporated City. As the City celebrates, a gesture of kindness is extended to you, our community of residents that are over 70 years old. If you are interested in receiving a harvest basket that includes produce and household essentials, please take time to register. This is a free gift donated by Natural Grocers, Alamo Heights Community Garden, and the City of Alamo Heights. Thank you to the Alamo Heights Community Garden and Natural Grocers for your time and generosity.

Complete the form below no later than Friday, September 16th by 5:00 p.m. You will be contacted via email that you were one of the recipients. Don’t wait too long because this is available only to the first 100 residents.

There is criteria to be met:

  • You live in Alamo Heights
  • You are over 70 years old

One basket per household please. Harvest baskets will be delivered by City staff and officials during the week of September 26th. Your delivery will be coordinated.

If you have any questions or prefer to register via phone, contact Assistant to City Manager Jennifer Reyna at 210-832-2209. Registrations will be taken via website and phone. Only one method is necessary.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Natural Grocers
Alamo Heights Community Garden

FY2022-2023 Proposed Budget and Notice of Tax Rate


A public hearing will be held on Monday, August 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, 6116 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209 and via Zoom for FY2022-2023 Budget and Tax Rate.

Click here to view the Proposed Budget, click here to view the Property Tax Rate, and click here to view the notice of public hearing on the proposed tax rate. The budget is also available under Financial Reports on the website.  Click on Department and chose from the dropbox – Administration and Finance.

On Monday, August 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers and via Zoom by dialing 1-346-248-7799; Meeting ID 852 3571 3722 Password 277513, the budget and tax rate will be considered for adoption.

If you have questions, contact Finance Director Robert Galindo at


Programs available through Bexar County


Bexar County has programs that are available to you.  The Owner-Occupied Repair Program provides free repairs to the homeowner as long as the home is occupied by the owner and meets criteria guidelines.  Merced Housing Texas provides repairs such as electrical, plumbing, roof repairs, and foundation leveling are a few to name.

Another excellent program provided by the Bexar County Community Development Block Grant is through Meals on Wheels.  There are also criteria guidelines such as being over 62 years old is an example for this program.  Click on any link to obtain additional information and engage in any of these programs.

Bexar County Owner-Occupied Repair Program

Bexar County Community Development Block Grant – Meals on Wheels


Stage 3 Water Restrictions


Effective today, June 17th, the City of Alamo Heights is in Stage 3 Water Restrictions.  These are changes mandated by order of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Landscaping Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once EVERY OTHER week between hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.  You may water once during the week of June 20th and it is a non-watering week during the week of June 27th.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. A hand-held hose may be used any day of the week at any time.

Filling new pools. Prohibited unless at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Refilling of existing pools is only allowed if the pool has been drained for repairs and at least 30% of the water is obtained from a source other than the Edwards Aquifer. Newly planted landscape. May qualify for a three‐week variance from the stage III one‐day‐every‐other‐week watering schedule.

All restrictions are still in place:

1. Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.

2. Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.

3. Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.

4. At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.

5. Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.

6. Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.

7. Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.


City Offices closed – June 20th


City Hall offices will be closed on Monday, June 20th in observance of Juneteenth holiday.  There will be no garbage pickup and no construction is allowed.  City Hall will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, June 21st.



CPS Energy Reliability & Vegetation Maintenance Program


On April 25th, a presentation was made by CPS Energy regarding their Energy Reliability and Vegetation Maintenance Program. Click here for additional information/presentation.

Beginning in May, a certified line clearance tree trimming contractor, Asplundh, will be trimming trees on public and private property in Alamo Heights on CPS Energy’s behalf. This service will be provided at no cost and is intended to increase the reliability of electrical service for customers. For more information, please call CPS Energy at 210-353-2222.



Stage 2 Water Restrictions


Stage 2 Water Restrictions are in effect, Friday, April 15th.  

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems is permitted only once a week between the hours 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.  and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or bucket (5-gallon or less container) during any day of the week but only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

A hand-held hose may be used during any day of the week at any time.

  • Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.
  • Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
  • Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
  • At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
  • Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
  • Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.
  • Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Public Works Department at (210) 882-1518.


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day – Sat., April 30th


On Saturday, April 30th, the Police Department will be accepting expired, unused and unwanted prescription or over the counter drugs, no questions asked.  Due to the risk of injury to handlers, syringes, epi-pens or other injectable devices are not accepted.  Stop by Alamo Heights City Hall, 6116 Broadway, East Entrance, during the hours of 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Centennial Celebration 2022


The City of Alamo Heights is celebrating 100 years! The City is hosting kick-off events for a week long of celebratory activities that will begin on October 1, 2022 through October 8, 2022.

There are 3 kick-off events in Alamo Heights:

4th Annual AH09 5K Fun Run – Saturday, March 26th

This event is family friendly, a 5K that can be ran competitively or leisurely.  Click here for the route.  Warm up exercises will be led by Camp Gladiator at 7:30 a.m.  Off to race at 8:00 a.m. The event will begin at the rear of City Hall, 6116 Broadway.  King Antonio XCIX will arrive at 8:30 a.m.

Cost to participate is $30 and each participant will receive a goody bag, a centennial log t-shirt, and a finisher’s medal.  Click here to register. No race day registrations will be accepted.

Each participant will be entered in a drawing to win one out of two certificates generously donated by Massage Heights.  Top 2 winners for male/female will receive a trophy.  The top two winners of the following age groups will receive winner’s medal.  Age groups are: 19 and under; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; and 70 and over.

Your goody bag will contain your bib!  Pick up your goody bag at City Hall, 6116 Broadway, during one of these dates/times:

Thursday, March 24th between 2;00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Friday, March 25th  between Noon to 5:00 p.m.

Thank you to our co-sponsors:

 23rd Annual Pooch Parade – Saturday, April 9th

The pooch parade is hosted by Therapy Animals of San Antonio.  This event will be held at the Alamo Heights swimming pool, 250 Viesca.  Nearly 800 dogs parade in their best costumes through the beautiful city of beauty and charm.  Photo booths are available and you can watch retriever agility demonstrations.  Schedule is:

7:45 a.m. – Registration & activities

8:15 a.m. – Costume Contest

8:45 a.m. – King Antonio XCIX arrives

9:15 a.m. – Parade begins

Come early to get your spot to enjoy the parade!  Click here for the parade route.

Purchase your tickets at

52nd Annual 4th of July Parade – Monday, July 4th

Continuing the tradition that Hal and Pat Hammond began, gathering the community to celebrate Independence Day.  Join us on Monday, July 4th, the parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. Gather at Estes and Patterson.

Decorate your bikes, wagons and come dressed best in your patriotic colors!

Celebratory events will begin Saturday, October 1st through Saturday, October 8th.  Events are being planned and finalized.  If you are interested in being part of this milestone, contact Assistant to City Manager Jennifer Reyna at 210-753-7348 or


Alamo Heights Water Restrictions – Stage 1


Stage 1 Water Restrictions are in effect beginning Friday, March 11, 2022.  

Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once a week before 10:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you are able to water.

You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose or hand-held hose during any day at any time.

1. Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain or ditch. Repair all leaks.

2. Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.

3. Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.

4. At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.

5. Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.

6. Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or that is certified as a conservation car wash.

7. Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled and the only additional water used is to compensate for loss due to evaporation.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Public Works Department at (210) 882-1518.


Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program


Alamo Heights City Council will consider establishing a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program. The purpose of the program is to provide low cost, long-term loans for energy efficiency and water conservation improvements for commercial, industrial and large multi-family residential (5+ units) property owners.

The Notice of Intent is scheduled at the February 28, 2022 Council Meeting.  The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.

If you’d like to speak on this item, you may participate via audio by calling 1-346-248-7799, Meeting ID:  856 5841 8500 Password 097989 and press *9 to “raise your hand”.  Citizens will have three minutes to share your comments.

Click here to obtain additional information of the proposed PACE program.  If you have questions, please contact Assistant City Manager Phil Laney at 210-832-2241.


AH09 5K Fun Run – Sat., March 26, 2022


It was wonderful to see you all! This is just the beginning of our centennial celebrations.  Stay tune for additional information as the celebration timeline develops.  Join us and Therapy Animals of SA for the Pooch Parade on Saturday, April 9th.

Runners, click at the link for your race time results: You looked great, out there!

Once again, thank you to our co-sponsors:  Alamo Heights Emergency Clinic, Alamo Heights Nutrition, Camp Gladiator, Massage Heights, Skin Rejuvenation, and STRIC.

Join us on Saturday, March 26th as we kickoff our centennial events!  The 4th Annual AH09 5K A Great Place to Walk/Run is a timed course but all participants have the option to run or walk.  This is one of the events kicking off our centennial celebration!

Remember to register early to secure your “swag” which includes a t-shirt, water bottle, and a finisher’s medal!


To help kick-off 2022 Fiesta, the City is also offering the opportunity to purchase our 2022 City of Alamo Heights Fiesta Medal for an additional $5 with your 5K registration. These medals will not be for sale any other time and are usually just available to Alamo Heights residents. One medal per participant.

Event Location (start/finish line): Alamo Heights City Hall Parking Lot – 6116 Broadway 78209. Click here for the route.

Camp Gladiator will begin warm-up exercises at 7:30 a.m. in preparation for the run/walk to begin at 8:00 a.m.  Register at

The top two overall winners (male/female) will receive a certificate of a free 4-week registration Camp Gladiator camp, donated by Camp Gladiator.  Two lucky winners will receive one free hour certificate donated by Massage Heights.

Registration fee:

  • $25 – until midnight March 6th
  • $30 – until midnight March 7th   
  • Family/Team of 5 or more – $20 person – a $5 discount per person

No Race Day Entries Accepted

Packet Pick-Up Information:

Thursday, March 24th, 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Friday, March 25th, Noon to 5:00 p.m. @ City Hall, 6116 Broadway

Saturday, March 26th (Race Day) – Packet Pick-up (7:00 a.m.). The race will begin at 8:00 a.m.  

Please support our co-sponsors:


City Office Closure 2-3-2022


The City of Alamo Heights City Offices will be closed today 2-3-2022 due to the weather. Administrative staff will be working remotely from home.

Currently, garbage pickup is scheduled and will be further evaluated if weather conditions further deteriorate. Safety is a priority for all. Be careful if you need to travel as ice/sleet accumulates on the roads.

If you need Police Assistance for non-emergency issues, please call 210-822-3321.  Any Power Outages please contact CPS at 210-353-2222.