All dog, cats, and ferrets over the age of four months will need to be licensed yearly by the City of Alamo Heights per the requirements of Chapter 4 section 2 of the Alamo Heights City Ordinances. Licenses can be obtained at Alamo Heights City Hall for a one- time license fee of $20.00 per animal. If the owner has proof of sterilization for the animal at the time of licensing the one-time fee will be reduced to $5.00 per animal. All animals with an implanted microchip can be registered at no charge to the owner.
All animals are required to wear the license tag at all times. If the tag is lost or destroyed a duplicate receipt shall be issued for the current year and a $3.00 charge will be issued for a new tag. No refunds will be given for the death or the relocation of a licensed animal. The licenses are non transferable to other pets.