Water Adjustment Policy

Alamo Heights adjusts excessive bills caused by a hidden water leak or other water loss beyond the customer’s control under the leak adjustment policy. Adjustments are limited to one per customer or service location per year.

Although full payment is expected for the bill rendered, customers may request a payment plan for the disputed amount of the bill until the adjustment request has been investigated. Leaks of 125 percent or greater of a customer’s “greatest normal usage” will be considered for adjustment. Approved adjustments will be credited to the customer’s account.

No adjustments are made to bills for leaks or other water losses due to construction or excavation activity by customers on their side of the meter, and payment in full is expected, unless a payment plan is arranged for the amount in excess of a normal usage bill.

Completed request/form can b emailed to Amanda Borrego at aborrego@alamoheightstx.gov.

Leak Adjustment Process Download
Leak Adjustment Form Submit Form